WorkSys.Space Demo tenant
We will give you a free account in our DEMO environment, which is functionally the same system you would use after deployment. You’ll be able to try out the extensive functionality for yourself and test features at your own pace without being distracted by annoying salespeople. In case you would like to dive deeper into the issue, detailed documentation is provided for you to better understand so that you can test things in the detail you require. I believe that from the “live” data in the DEMO system you will understand what potential it has in the management of the company and what savings and efficiency can be achieved by reading and understanding them correctly.
When you are ready to discuss the details of how WorkSys could be implemented in your business and what needs it should solve, we are happy to provide a follow-up presentation to a larger audience and discuss the customizations you require. The bottom line is that you’ll know exactly what you’re getting with WorkSys before you make any decisions.